How Do I Close My Chime Account 2022

Are you a chime user and don’t know how to close chime account? Worry no more. Chime doesn’t give users any tips on their website so the question of how do I Close my chime account can linger on the user’s mind but it’s not an issue.

The continuous request for answers to the question how do I Close my chime account has made us do some extensive research to give our readers the best way to go about it.  The process I am going to tell you to close your Chime bank account is both simple and straightforward.


How Do I Close My Chime Account?


Chime online bank glorifies itself as the most convenient and user-friendly online banking app available in the US. And the high level of simplicity and easiness is also quite evident in the process of setting up a Chime account. But, that level of simplicity disappears into the thin air when it comes to closing a Chime bank account. You can search every section and tab on Chime app, but I bet you will not find anything. But still, you can delete your Chime bank account in a totally effortless manner. Let’s get over it in detail.


First Method


  • Make sure there is no balance left in your Chime bank account.
  • If you want to ensure a smooth deletion, then you need to also transfer all of the money in your Chime account out of it. You could send this to your Paypal account or even your Cash App account.


Second Method


  1. Unlink All of Your Accounts From Chime
  2. Before you do anything, unlink every account that is connected to your Chime bank account. This is to avoid any fees being applied and money being mysteriously moved.
  3. This might seem like overkill, but we would highly recommend that you unlink every other account from your Chime bank account before deleting it. You may have cards associated with the account, but you’ll probably have other banks linked to it. The only reason we suggest you unlink them all is to avoid any unnecessary hassle when it comes to accidental fees.
  4. With all of the accounts and cards that were linked to your Chime bank account now unlinked, it’s time to request that the account to delete account.


Third Method


Go to the payment history and ensure there is no pending payment left. If there is any pending payment, cancel it.


Fourth Method


Ensure that your Chime balance is not negative. If it is negative, you will be required to clear the dues first.


Fifth Method


  1. Send an Email to Chime
  2. The only way to delete a Chime bank account is to request that it is deleted. You can do this in two ways, but we’d recommend that you do both for good measure.
  3. The first thing to do is to send an email to Chime themselves. The address to email them is It would help if you made the topic of the email very clear. We suggest, “Request to Delete my Account.” This is short and to the point. It’s also self-evident without the email being opened, so anyone at Chime looking for quick queries to start with will probably pick your email up sooner. We’ve put together a template for what you could send in an email below. Feel free to use it when you contact Chime.


Sixth Method


Contact  the Customer Support Team

  1. If you are done with all the aforementioned instructions, it means you are just one step away from deleting your Chime online bank account.
  2. At this point, many people just sit back and wait. The thing is, you don’t know what’s going on with your account in the meantime. That’s why we suggest that a day or so after emailing Chime, you phone them. The number to call is 1-844-244-6363. you can dial the Chime phone number between 7 AM to 9 PM on all days of the week. If you have sent an email and spoken to a Chime representative but still your account has not been deleted then you can take our help
  3. Make sure you have any reference numbers that have been emailed to you handy so that you can reference them as they are requested. Start by asking your account’s status and then move on to how long it will take before it is deleted.
  4. It’s in your best interest to get the account deleted as soon as possible after requesting the deletion. The longer the account sits around doing nothing, the more time there are then; things to go wrong. By chasing the customer support team in multiple ways, you stand a better chance of a senior manager spotting your request and getting on the case if it’s taking too long.



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Our detailed guide contains all the information to make any questions on how do I close my chime account go away, as long as you follow the steps we’ve laid out above, you should be able to get your account deleted quickly and without issue. Thanks for taking your time to read through this article.