Top 11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors (Best Success Rate)

We all know how debt collectors are and how they can buzz you with a series of calls. Some even go to the extent of harassing and threatening you which is bad for your mental health. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act (FDCPA) has protected you from such harassment from collectors, some do not heed them. 

You can simply use the 11-word phrase to stop debt collectors, cut off any form of communication with you and avoid further harassment, threat, or disturbance.


List of Top 11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors


The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act (FDCPA) has rules set for your protection as a consumer. These rules protect you from being threatened, intimidated, insulted, or harassed. All debt collectors are fully aware of these rules but some still to go any extent to violate them. 

You have to know these rules, to be aware of when a debt collector violates them. Some of the rules according to FDCPA is that a debt collector is only allowed to call or send a mail once a day. The FDCPA has prohibited collectors from;

  1. Insulting, the use of abusive words, or being rude
  2. Calling and disclosing debtors Dept to family, friends, or co-workers
  3. Any call past working hours like midnight calls
  4. Providing false information regarding the dept
  5. Threatening to take a debtor to court
  6. Pretending to be an attorney or a police officer
  7. Publicly publishing debtors that have already forfeited their debt.


List of Top 11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors


When your debt collector violates these rules, you can send him the 11 words phrase to cease any form of communication. If it fails, then you can contact your attorney or seek other legal advice.

The majority of the time, debt collectors call you when your debt is past-due time. Some might call trying to ask for a family member or friend who has debt to settle.

In this case, you have no obligation to provide any information that might be requested of you. Even if the debt is yours, you can tell a debt collector to stop buzzing you with calls.


This way, you are telling them to contact you via writing. Below is a list of 11 phrases to stop debt collectors from calling you.

  1. “Please do not call, I request you contact me in writing”
  2. “Do not contact me without proof that the debt is mine”
  3. “I would address this through a professional, he’ll contact you”
  4. “What is the agency name and address, I must send a cease and desist letter”
  5. “Can you prove information by proving that I own this debt”
  6. “I strongly believe I don’t owe this debt and prove I do?”
  7. “I do not owe the debt in question, can you confirm again”
  8. “Don’t call again please and send proof that I owe the debt”
  9. “I’ll send a cease and desist letter if you call again”
  10. “Do not call me please, my attorney will contact you”
  11. “Please contact me in writing with proof of owing the debt”


You can use any of the above 11 phrases to stop debt collectors from harassing and disturbing you. Most collectors do not have time to prove you actually owe the debt and might not contact you again. If they called regarding a friend or family member’s debt, they probably won’t disturb you again. 

And If they still do, you can contact your attorney especially when they threaten, harass or use an insultive approach. With your attorney, all will be resolved legally.


Why Do Debt Collectors Block Their Phone Numbers?


Most times debt collectors block their number before calling. They do so on purpose to intimidate you, and as a result, you can begin to give them answers and the information they need. Sometimes they block their number so that you won’t block them from calling. A blocked number doesn’t have a caller ID so blocking them from calling you again is not possible. The FDCPA doesn’t prohibit debt collectors from calling a blocked number. This makes a lot of collectors call with a blocked number. 

While some calls from collectors are due to family members or friends’ debt sometimes it could be because of your debt. To avoid calls from them regarding your debt make sure you pay off all debts in your name. If you’re sure the debt you are asked to pay isn’t yours, ask the agency for proof. 

It is your right to get proof within five working days and you have a month to study. After studying, you either accept or challenge the agency. Always check the statute of limitations for your country or state.


How Long Do Debt Collectors Take To Respond To Debt Validation Letters?


After receiving a debt notice the first step you should take is to request a debt validation letter. How long does it take to validate a debt? There is no specific timing for it. Some debt collection agencies take a week, 2 weeks, a month, or even longer. No rule state a deadline for response to a validation letter. 

According to FDCPA, here are some of the rules as regards debt validation

  1. A consumer is to be provided with the following information within five days of contact
  • Amount of debt.
  • Name of whom owes the debt.
  • A statement that assumes the debt is valid if not disputed within thirty days of notice.
  • A statement that if the consumer dispute in thirty days period, the collector will get a verification.
  1. If the debt is disputed within thirty days, the collector is to cease any collection and provide verification of the debt, name of the original creditor, and address and mail them to the creditor.
  2. If a consumer doesn’t dispute the debt, no court can construe an admission of liability.
  3. If the collector fails to provide validity of the debt within five days, you can choose to sue them if you are sure you don’t owe them any debt. According to FDCPA, you can countersue for $1000, in addition to attorney fees and, court costs among others.

Until a collector provides all the above-mentioned debt validation letters, they are not allowed to receive any money from you. While waiting for the validation letter, you can contact your attorney for legal advice on how to handle the situation.


What Should You Not Say To a Creditor?


Most times what you say to a debt collector can be used for or against you whether it was disturbing, threatening, or cajoling you. Below are some of the things you shouldn’t say to a debt collector.

  • Avoid giving vital information. When asked any questions, your answer should be short, brief, and precise. Do not give expansive answers to questions, but always be honest.
  • Never give your account details to any collector. Some information when given can buy them access to your bank account.
  • Make your collector understand that you know your responsibilities and that your lack of payment is due to unforeseen situations. Never tell him/her that the money was spent on vacation, gambling, or unnecessarily.
  • Do not feel intimidated when talking to a collector. That will make you feel powerless and you might end up giving out information that can be damaging.
  • If a collector is being rude or unprofessional, do not retaliate. Rather, ask to speak to a superior. Always have in mind that speaking to a superior might put you at the edge. They are more experienced and can find a way to add to the initial payment.
  • If you are not confident enough to speak to a collector, you can work with an attorney or any qualified debt relief firm.

Debt collectors are well experienced and will always find ways to make you give them vital pieces of information which can be used against you. You need to be extra cautious when dealing with them.



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Getting a series of calls from debt collectors can be very disturbing, some even go as far as to threaten, harass and talk to you rudely. The 11 phrase words are phrases some of them which are not just 11 words that you can use to stop a debt collector from contacting you. The FDCPA has laws to protect consumers from such harassment, but some debt collectors violate these laws. 

You can use the 11-phrase word to stop your debt collectors from contacting you and if it doesn’t work, you can contact your attorney. Some debt collectors contact you to get information about a friend or family whose debt is past-due time. In such a case, you are not obligated to give any information. 

If contact with the claim you’re owing, you should seek a debt validation letter and proceed after the agency provides it. If they fail to do so, you can countersue them for about $1000.



