I Forgot Cash App PIN – How to Reset Cash App Pin

Sad on, you must have been in a hurry to forget your cash app pin. this page has details on how to reset and recover your cash app pin.

Sending money on Cash App is quick, effortless, and free; until you forget your Cash App PIN.

Cash App works like most other payment apps; you’ll need to set up a PIN to use the payment features on the app. When you have the PIN set, you’ll need to enter the PIN each time you need to send money.


This is undoubtedly good, as it prevents everyone with access to your phone from accessing your funds. However, what should you do if you forgot your Cash App PIN?

In this article, I’ll show you the significance of a Cash App PIN and how you can reset your PIN if you forget it.


forgot cash app pin


How to Reset The Cash App PIN


If you forget your Cash App PIN, the next move is to reset it. As there is no way to retrieve a forgotten PIN, we’ll only be looking at how you can reset your Cash App PIN.

Here are the steps required to reset your Cash App PIN if you happen to forget it.

  1. Open the Cash App on your Android or iPhone.
  2. Once you’re inside Cash App, tap on the profile icon at the top right corner of the screen. If you have a profile picture set up, your picture will be the icon. Otherwise, it will be an egghead.
  3. Once you’re in the profile menu, select “Privacy and Security” from the plethora of options.
  4. On the resulting screen, navigate to ‘Change Cash PIN’ and select it.
  5. Since you can’t remember what your previous PIN was, you have to select ‘Forgot Cash App PIN.’
  6. Before you can change your Cash App PIN, you’ll need to verify that you’re the owner of the account. This extra security step prevents an intruder with access to your phone from changing your Cash App PIN.


Cash App will send you a verification code to verify your identity. Enter the code in the provided input box and continue.


  • If your verification code is correct, you will be allowed to set a new PIN for your Cash App account.

This time, try to choose a PIN that’s easy to recall, so you don’t have to repeat this cycle in a couple of days.

If you use a supported iPhone or Android phone with an efficient fingerprint or face authentication system, you can use them to reset your PIN.

For example, you can use the Touch ID on an iPhone 8 or the face detection on a Pixel 4 to reset your PIN. This way, you don’t need to verify your identity by entering any codes.



Why You Should Know Your Cash App PIN?


Before going through all the trouble associated with resetting a forgotten Cash App PIN, you may ask: why should I remember my Cash App PIN anyways?

There are so many potential use cases for the Cash App PIN. Here are some things you’ll be missing out on if you don’t have your Cash App PIN handy.


  • Inability to sell stocks or Bitcoin

If you’re into digital investments, you should already know that Cash App lets you buy stocks and Bitcoin.

If you don’t have a Cash App PIN, you can not sell stocks or Bitcoin.

While you might be able to circumvent it on your daily phone, you’ll run into some issues if you have to log in from another phone for any reason.

Since it’s better to be safe than sorry, you better get your Cash App PIN.


  • No ATM Transactions

ATMs won’t let you scan your face or finger to authorize a withdrawal. You have to enter the four-digit PIN.

If you don’t have your PIN set, you will be unable to use your Cash App card at ATMs, denying you access to cash when and where you want it.


  • No cash transfer, unless

If you can’t remember your PIN, you cannot transfer money to anyone unless your phone has a finger or face biometric detection capabilities.

Even if your phone is equipped with those, it’s only a matter of time until you’ll need to use your Cash App card at an ATM.

Don’t be sorry, be safe.




Cash App tries as hard as it could to make your experience secure. This is achieved by locking access to your account under things that only you can access, one of which is your PIN.

Sometimes, things don’t go perfectly and you may forget your Cash App PIN. In that case, you can always come back to this post to learn how to reset your PIN when you forget your Cash App PIN.