How Does Cash App Show On Bank Statement?

You’ve made multiple transactions using Cash App, and you’ve transferred money multiple times to your bank account from Cash App.


Now, things are looking a little bit smudgy. Your bank statement says you sent some money to some random account, and you’re not sure exactly what that is.

If you’ll ever know if the transaction was with Cash App, you’ll first need to find an answer to the question: how does Cash App show on a bank statement?

In this detailed article, I’ll show you exactly how Cash App shows on your bank statement. Also, you’ll learn a few things about the inner workings of Cash App, so you don’t find yourself asking the same question again.


How to View Bank Statement On Cash App


If you use Cash App like a checking account, you’ll notice that it’s missing one crucial feature; statements.

But are statements missing on Cash App?

Over the years, Cash App has made it clear that they’re not a bank, and your funds are not insured by the FDIC; but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a roundup of your Cash App balance. It’s just about knowing where to look.

Here is exactly where to look, and how you can look into it if you need a roundup of your activity on the Cash App. Open Cash App and navigate to the profile tab.

  • Find and tap “Personal” then find documents on the resulting page.
  • Tap Monthly Statements from the options and select the month you want to view the statement for.

Simple as that.

If you want a more extensive list, you can download your whole Cash App transaction history as a CSV file. You’ll need a desktop computer to do this.

  • Open the cash app website on your laptop or computer
  • At the top right, you’ll see “Statements.” Click on that and select “Export to CSV” from the next page.

The comma-separated values (CSV) file will be downloaded to your computer. You can open this on Excel to get some extra data that your bank statements won’t show you.





You receive monthly bank statements, but you only have one question: how does Cash App show on bank statements?

One thing we’re sure of is that you won’t see Cash App as the bank name. If you see any transaction from, or to Sutton Bank or Lincoln Savings bank, that’s Cash App at work.


You’re welcome.