Does 1010 Block Fun Pay? 1010 Block Fun Review

You may have accidentally seen the 1010 block puzzle app while surfing the internet. This is a game that has been rumored that you can make quite some cash just by playing the game. 

While you can easily download and install the game on the play store, the imagination of making some cash while playing a game can be enticing but it is also okay to be skeptical about it as that might not be the case after playing the game. 


Before you decide to install and play the 1010 block puzzle just to earn the cash reward, read through this article to get the necessary knowledge about the game.


Is 1010 Block Fun Legit?


Is 1010 Block Fun Legit?


Just like other apps that promise cash rewards, you will be rewarded when you begin to play 1010 block fun. These earnings will keep you glued as you continue to play the game to earn more. 

However, the game has been specifically designed to reduce your earning rate as you continue to play the game. This is deliberately done to prevent you from reaching the payment level and stop you from cashing out. 

Reaching the payment level also does not guarantee payment just like it is with similar apps. Your payout request might get ignored and you won’t get paid after putting much effort into it. 

The game’s Terms and conditions also reveal that they are not obliged to provide payment which is why the game is not legit as it does not guarantee the payment it promises. 



What Is 1010 Fun?


1010 block fun is a puzzle game that requires making a row or column of blocks.  The blocks get eliminated once a row or column has been made and then you can continue making another row or column. 

When blocks get eliminated, you get rewarded with coins. You will also receive chests that are filled with in-app cash,  the in-app cash when collected can be cashed out through Paypal. 

Just like other apps where you can earn rewards, you will not be able to access the cash earned on the 1010 block until you reach the required level. This means you might not be able to collect the promised reward even after spending lots of time and effort. 


How Does 1010 Block Work?


If you are willing to give the game a trial, we will be willing to take you through the process as well. Read along to get all the needed details. 


How To Installation 1010 Block Fun


Installing the 1010 block fun game is quite straightforward.  Once you visit the store, download the game and wait patiently for the installation.  After the game has been installed you will have to read through the Terms and conditions before you start to play.


Reading and accepting the Terms and conditions shows you’re okay with the game policy and you can proceed with playing the game. 


How To Play


After installation and signing up, you will receive 20 coins as your signing-in bonus. Another 20 coins will be made available if you watch the video ad. It is important to take note that watching video ads will be required in different aspects of the game if you truly want to earn real cash. 


The main aim of the game is to get rid of as many blocks as possible. You will be able to get rid of blocks by filling a row or column with blocks. when a row or column has been successfully filled with blocks, the block will be removed providing you with additional space continuously make a block. 


As you get rid of blocks, you will receive in-game coins and chests, filled with cash rewards. To open a chest and earn cash, you will be required to watch video ads. You will also receive points by placing blocks on the game board.  You can follow up on your gaming progress through the progress bar located at the top of the screen to know how close you are to earning a virtual cash prize.  


Once the progress bar reaches hundred percent, your Paypal cash gift has been unlocked. You will be required to click on the Paypal icon and watch a video ad to claim your just-earned cash gift. 


You will be able to continue playing the game until there is no available space on the game board. You will also have access to different tools to assist you while you play. There is a hammer that can easily get rid of a square of blocks,  and a tool for replacing the options of blocks you can choose from. You can make use of your earned coin to purchase more of these tools. 



1010 Block Fun Payment

1010 Block Fun Payment


When playing the 1010 block fun, you will be able to view your balance when you wish to. However, you will be notified that you need to earn more money before you’ll be able to cash out your earnings to your Paypal account. 


The game will not give you the required amount you have to earn before cashing out. However, other similar games require you to earn up to $100 to $200 so that might also be the case with 1010 block fun.


Your earned in-game coins can also be converted to Paypal and Amazon gift cards which is another way of making. To earn an E5 Paypal or Amazon gift card, it will cost up to 190,00 in-game coins. 


Are There Other Alternatives To 1010 Block Fun?


in case you are not willing to put in your effort on a game that doesn’t guarantee your payment, you might be wondering if there are other alternatives.  You might want to try out NFT games as you can have some fun while you make some cash as well. 


NFT games are also available in different game genres so it is easy to find an NFT game of your preference.  however, it is important to note that NFT games are always competitive so you will have to put in the work before you earn. 


Video Guide





Just like the majority of these apps that promise rewards while you play, 1010 block fun is a cycle of unending tasks and video ads that do not guarantee your payment. almost all participants who have installed the app have negative feedback as they all portray the game as a waste of time and effort. 


Instead of providing the promised rewards, the developer makes lots of ad money which is generated through the unending video ads that players are required to watch to earn their promised rewards.