How To Unblock On Venmo – Easy Method

Different reasons might have necessitated you blocking someone on Venmo. Reasons ranging from spamming to privacy and a lot more, are possible reasons why people block some other people on Venmo. However, after a while, you might be interested in unblocking the person.

Well, if you have blocked someone already and you do not know how to unblock them, you do not need to stress. We are going to be giving you a step-by-step method on how you can unblock someone on Venmo, alternatives to blocking friends,  and a lot more.


How Do I Unblock Someone on Venmo?


You might have blocked someone because of one or two issues. After the issues have been resolved, you might be looking for ways to unblock the person. Below is a guide on how to unblock the person on your account.


  • Open the Venmo App and Tap the 3 Line Icon

This is the first thing you need to do if you are looking to unblock someone on your account. You will have to open the app on your phone and tap the 3 lines located at the top left corner of your phone. Once you do this, you get access to a list of options.


  • Click on Settings

This is the next thing you need to do once you have tapped the 3 lines at the top left corner of your phone. You will have to scroll down and click the settings option on your phone.  Once you click on Settings, you will see a list of options on your screen. You can click on privacy as this option is what the access people have to your profile.


  • Click on Blocked Users and Select a User

Once you have clicked on settings, you are almost halfway through unblocking the person on your list. The next thing you need to do after clicking on settings is to click on the blocked users. By clicking on blocked users, you will see a list of people you have blocked on your account.

After clicking on blocked users and accessing the list, you can then move on to select the person you want to unblock from the list. Once you have selected the person, you can move on to the final steps.


  • Tap the 3 Icons and Click on Unblock

This is the final step you need to take if you will like to unblock someone on your account. After you have selected the person on your blocked list, you can then tap the 3 icons on the top left corner of your screen. Once you tap this icon, you will have to click on unblock twice. If this is done, the blocked person will automatically be added to your friend list.

You should know that the person will have access to seeing your transactions once removed from the blocked list. Also, the person can get access to message you and enjoy a host of other features that were previously denied of the person.


Can I Make Transactions With Blocked People?


Can I Make Transactions With Blocked People


This is one question a lot of people tend to ask when it comes to blocking and unblocking people. You should know that once a contact is blocked, you will not be able to do transactions with the person. 

The only way you can do transactions with the person is outside the Venmo app. However, as long as the person is blocked on your Venmo, you can’t do any transaction with the person within the app except if you unblock the person.


What Happens if I Block Someone on My Venmo Account?


Since you know that your friend list on Venmo will have access to your transaction history, you might be a little careful about the kind of people you have as friends on your Venmo. Once you block any of your friends on Venmo, below is a list of things that happens to either you or the person.


  • Inability to Perform Transactions

Once you block any of your friends on your account, it becomes impossible for you to perform any transaction with the person. The reason is pretty simple. By blocking the person on your account,  it means you do not want to have any form of transaction with the person.

The person will also not be able to have any type of transaction with you through Venmo. The only way you can transact with the person is outside Venmo except the person is unblocked.


  • Inability to Find the User Profile

This is another thing that happens once you block someone on your account. If you go through your friends’ list on your Venmo account, you will not be able to access the person’s profile on your account. You will not see the person at all. 

The person too, on the other hand, will not be able to access your profile too. No matter how hard the person looks for you on Venmo, the person will not be able to find you or your profile as long as they remain blocked. 

If you want to access the person’s profile or you want the person to access yours, you will have to unblock the person.


  • Blockage of Communication

This is the 3rd thing that happens when you decide to block someone on your friend list. You will not be able to communicate or engage the person in any way on the app. The only way you will be able to communicate with the person will be outside Venmo.

Also, if the person tries to message you, the person will not be able to. The blocked contact will not be able to engage you in any form of communication till they are unblocked.


How Do I Do My Privacy Settings on Venmo


How Do I Do My Privacy Settings on Venmo


If you feel blocking someone on your account is a relatively harsh thing to do, there are other options or things you can do. There are the privacy settings on your Venmo. With it, your can control who has access to various things on your Venmo.

Privacy settings save you the stress of blocking someone, you can high your transaction history and a lot more with these settings. Below are steps on how you can go about with your privacy settings.


  • Go to the settings on your Venmo app
  • Click on privacy. Once you click on privacy, you will get access to a list of options.
  • Click on private among the list of options you see. 
  • Click on save settings once you have selected private


Once this is done, the only person that has access to your transaction is just you and your recipient. This way, you get to keep your friends without displaying your transaction history.

Apart from this, you can do whatever kind of settings you want on your privacy settings. You can decide to change your default transaction to allow everyone to see your transaction history. You can also restrict it to only people you have transactions with. 


All you need to do is to follow the steps below to decide who can see your current transactions.

  • You will have to bring up a payment page
  • Once you do this, you can then move on to privacy settings, and select who can see this.
  • You will see the option of public, friends, or private, select any of them. It is the settings you choose that will determine who can see the transaction.


You should also know that you can hide your transaction history to prevent people from viewing your previous transaction history. You should however remember that once you do this, it cannot be reversed, your transaction history will be hidden permanently. 


Follow the steps below to hide your transaction history

  • Go to settings
  • Click on Privacy
  • Click on past transactions
  • Click the options you desire. 

Once you do this, your transaction settings will get updated immediately.



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It is pretty easy to unblock someone on your Venmo app. All you need to do is to follow the steps listed above. You should know that once someone is blocked, you will not be able to do any transactions with the person.

Apart from the inability to do transitions, some other things that happen when you block someone has been discussed in the article, a read-through will give you all the information you need. 

We have also given you privacy options you can use so you do not have to block someone. Read through the article and you will be good to go when it comes to unblocking friends on Venmo and a lot more.