Is Disney Plus Available in Canada?

If you’ve tried watching a show exclusive to Disney Plus, you must have noticed that it wasn’t available on the Canadian version of the service. Is this still the case with Disney Plus today, or is Disney Plus even available in Canada?

Disney launched a somewhat limited version of Disney Plus to Canada in 2019 that looks identical to the US’s offering. If you’re after a Disney Plus exclusive, you can almost certainly watch it by subscribing to the Canadian version of Disney Plus.


In this article, I’ll review the Canadian version of Disney Plus and explore how it is different from the US version. Then, you’ll learn the pricing of Disney Plus to determine if Disney Plus Canada is worthwhile.


Is Disney Plus Available in Canada


What Is Disney Plus?


Disney Plus is a subscription service by The Walt Disney Company that offers video-on-demand over-the-top streaming services. It has a very niche selection of movies, with almost the entirety of its collection populated by offerings from The Walt Disney Studios and Walt Disney Television.

You also get movies and shows from Disneynature, National Geographic, Lucasfilm, Marvel Studios, Pixar, 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Picture, and other sources, most of which are either subsidiaries of Disney or affiliates of the company.

Contrary to most of its competitors, Disney Plus doesn’t air any content rated R, NC-17, or TV-MA, as it focuses mainly on family entertainment. While this limits Disney Plus’ offering to some extent, it does make it the most viable option for specific audiences.

With its limited collection of movies and TV shows, there are an estimated 7,500 videos available to watch on Disney Plus. While a huge part of this collection (7,000) is made up of episodes of TV shows, it’s still a compelling option, compared to some other alternatives.

The main strength of Disney Plus is its exclusives. Even people who use alternative streaming services are usually compelled to purchase a subscription with the service, as The Walt Disney Company continues to buy out many TV studios, making many of their offerings exclusive to Disney Plus.

If you’ve ever tried to watch a Disney Plus exclusive, only to notice that it’s also exclusive to US subscribers, we’re here to help. This article will show you how to do just that, and why you should consider doing it.


How Much Is Disney Plus In Canada?


If you’re compelled to try out Disney Plus like most other people, you may want to know how much the service costs in Canada. Predictably, it costs considerably less to buy a subscription to Disney Plus than to most other streaming services in Canada.

At launch, a subscription to the Canadian version of the streaming service was $8.99. Buying an annual subscription will cost only $89.99, coming to about $7.49 every month. This will help you save $17 over the monthly package that will come to $108 over a year.

If you noticed, those were the prices at launch. Since Disney Plus’ offering has gotten more expansive over the years, it has also increased the subscription prices to match. Now, the prices for both the annual and monthly Disney Plus subscriptions rival that of well-grounded alternatives.

Earlier this year, Disney Plus hiked its subscription prices for both the monthly and the annual plans in Canada, making it a pretty expensive streaming service. Since its exclusives are in so much demand, this price hike hasn’t reduced the popularity of the service.

The price for a Disney Plus subscription in Canada today is $11.99 per month or $119.99 per year. Compared to its launch price, it doesn’t look like a very significant price hike, but when you compare it to alternatives, you’ll notice that Disney Plus has gotten pretty bold.

For comparison, Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services in Canada, and its base plan costs only $9.99 per year.

While it may be somewhat limited compared to Disney Plus, since you cannot stream movies and shows in high definition, it’s a compelling alternative to people who aren’t willing to pay over $10 to watch movies.

If you want all Disney Plus exclusives that are unavailable in Canada, paying the $119.99 per year for a Canadian subscription mightn’t be the best idea. You can get the full US version of Disney Plus for just a few bucks more.

Over the next few sections, you’ll learn how to use the US version of Disney Plus in Canada without flying to the United States.


Is Disney Plus Available in Canada?


Disney Plus has been available in Canada since its launch, but not in its full glory as of the version that launched in the United States. Disney Plus launched as an alternative to services like Netflix for only $8.99 per month, being a more cost-effective alternative to Netflix at the time.

Fast forward to today, the cost of a Disney Plus subscription in Canada is $11.99 per month, with a more robust collection than what is offered for $3 less a few years ago.

If you want the full US version of Disney Plus, complete with all shows from National Geographic, buying a subscription to the Canadian version of the service will be impractical. In the next section, I’ll show you how to purchase the US version of Disney Plus without having to leave Canada.


How to Access Disney Plus US from Canada


If you’re after Disney Plus movies and shows that are restricted to the US version of the service, you can use a VPN to access those shows. While that might sound complicated and techy, it isn’t, as long as you’re willing to pay for a VPN.

Many premium VPNs are perfect for watching the US version of Disney Plus. You can get a VPN for as low as $3 that will let you stream the US version of Disney Plus from Canada.

For good measure, try subscribing to the US version directly. The US version of Disney Plus costs $8, which comes to about $10 in Canadian dollars. However, you must ensure that you’re always connected to a VPN while streaming, or it will default back to Disney Plus Canada.



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Disney Plus is available in Canada, and it has been since its launch. However, that isn’t the major concern. The major concern is that most of the shows you want to watch are unavailable in the Canadian version of Disney Plus.

To access them, you may need to buy a VPN. Several VPN services will allow you access the US version from Canada, and prices are largely the same.