Is Dream Giveaway Legitimate? Dream Giveaway Review

The opportunity of winning your favorite car while contributing towards a notable cause at the same time looks good than letting it slide.  This is the reason why multiple individuals keeps visiting the dream giveaway website since 2009.

This review will provide the necessary information about the Dream giveaway while we will also discuss its legitimacy. read along. 


Is Dream Giveaway Legitimate?


Yes, the Dream giveaway is legitimate. its unwavering existence for over ten years now is a great testimonial to its legitimacy. The Dream giveaway is also an open website as there is numerous video evidence of the ticket sales fund being donated to charity. There are also several videos evidence of draw winners receiving their prices. 


The website donations are also 100 percent tax deductible which itself is evidence of a registered site eligible to collect donations. Due to all these numerous pieces of evidence, it is believed that the Dream giveaway website can be trusted. 


How Does Dream Giveaway Work?


To participate in the Dream giveaway raffle draw, you will be required to complete your registration and set up a player account. To create this account, you will have to provide some personal information such as your name, your address, and your date of birth. 

When your player account has been successfully set up, you can then proceed by purchasing your preferred number of tickets. however, all funds made from ticket sales wouldn’t be going to the Dream giveaway account. The money will be donated directly to the charity instead. 

The main reason why Dream giveaway can donate its ticket sales fund to charity is that the majority of the prizes available to be won are sponsored with each prize tagged with the sponsor’s name underneath. However, some of the prizes are not sponsored and have to be paid for by the website. 


Who Is The Owner Of The Dream Giveaway?


Dream giveaway is operated and managed by the New Beginning Children Home which is a charity that is legally registered in the United States of America and provides the necessary assistance to foster care. 

The New Beginning Children Home also provides support for several other charities which include MADD, and Smile Network International Bright Pink. the New Beginning Christian home also has an email address where they can be reached, direct and toll-free phone numbers, and an online contact form. 


Who Can Participate In The Dream Giveaway?


Every individual can participate in the Dream giveaway as long as you are up to 18 years and above. However, the giveaway mostly has participants from the United States and Canada. 


What Are The Available Prized To Be Won At The Dream Giveaway?


The ticket price for the Dream giveaway doesn’t change whether you chose to opt for the Bandit dream package, Corvette, Mustang, Camaro, or Shopping spree. However, they all come with an additional fee which includes the fund to pay taxes. 


A player can choose to collect cash instead of a car, and there are other mouth-watering packages to be won such as a $10,000 Amazon shopping spree, and  some unprecedented cars such as

  •  1961 Mach 1 Mustang 
  • CT5 Blackwing
  • F350 Super Duty
  • 4 Speed Nova
  • BMW M4
  • Monte Carlo SS
  • Ram Air GTO
  • Nissan Frontier PRO 4X
  • Survivor Boss 302


What Are Dream Giveaway Terms And Conditions?


The Dream giveaway terms and condition is structured to give detailed information about the contest. All contests are governed by the same rule with the draw date being the difference between all. All cars and shopping spree also have their time frame and everything has been laid out to be simple and straightforward. 


What Are The Rules And Regulations Of Dream Giveaway?


The only eligibility rule stated by the website is that a participant must be 18 and above. The website also stated that participants must not be from Oregon in the United States or From the province of Quebec in Canada. 


Apart from these limitations, the website states that the contest is open to everyone from any country. However, they will only be able to take part if the raffle draw is not illegal in their country. 


What Are The Available Lotteries On Dream Giveaway?


Lottery draws are not available on the Dream giveaway website. While this might sound unusual for an online lottery website, the Dream giveaway website offers numerous draws and raffles with prices that always changing instead of having lotteries. 

The website also has its own ten distinct draws that are always available every year. And each draw date is visibly attached to each draw rule. 


What Are The Dream Giveaway Payment Options?


The only payment option allowed by Dream giveaway is the card payment method. You can either make use of your Visa, MasterCard, and American Express Credit card to complete your payment. Any other credit card apart from these mentioned ones will not be accepted and you will not be able to complete your Payment. 


How Do I Claim My Prize At Dream Giveaway?


All prize options are accompanied by a draw date which you can simply mark on your calendar for a reminder. One conditional grand prize winner will be selected, while three alternatives will be chosen as well. 

Dream giveaway will reach out to the winner through email within three days after the draw. In a case where the winner could not be reached, the next person in line among the alternatives will be picked as the winner. 




We cannot discuss the legitimacy of the Dream giveaway without mentioning its year of existence. The website has been around for over ten years and there have been no controversial complaints that have been filed against it. This shows the level of trust people have in the website. 


If you are not convinced about the Dream giveaway, you can do a quick check on its website and cautiously evaluate the available details which include its sponsors and the list of past winners. You will also come across the draw rules and regulations and you will be surprised by the level of transparency adopted by the website.