Is Pure Romance a Pyramid Scheme? Pure Romance Review

Pure romance is one popular marketing company in the United States.  This company is a multilevel marketing company that sells adult products like sex toys. It sells its products through independent consultants around the states.

Due to its manner of operations, you might be wondering if this company is a pyramid scheme. Well, if you would like to know, then this is the perfect article for you. In this article, we are going to be talking about everything pure romance, its legitness, and a host of other things. Just keep reading to get more information.


What is Pure Romance?


Pure romance is a multi-marketing company in the United States. It is a company that has been in existence for over 25 years. This multilevel marketing company revolves around two major models. They are networking and selling company products.

For networking, we are talking about a system whereby you will get to meet different types of people. You can get to meet them at different sex parties and a lot more.

You should know that these parties are strictly for women as men are not allowed in parties like these. These parties serve as a means of networking and socialization which is one of the things the company is all about.

Apart from the parties and networking,  the company also sells different types of sex toys through ladies to different women who might be interested. Once you register with the company, you work as an independent consultant for the company.

This way, you set to sell different types of adult toy products from the company. The more you sell, the more income you generate for yourself in terms of commission. You also get to climb the ladder in the multilevel marketing system.

You should know that when you bring people to get registered with the company, it also boosts the chances of you making a larger amount of money from the company. This is something you should find very interesting.


Benefits of Pure Romance


There are a lot of things you’ll get to enjoy when you decide to be a partner with pure romance. From increased income to earning passive income, below is a list of benefits of pure romance


  • High Commission

This is the first thing that distinguishes pure romance from other types of multi-marketing companies. Pure romance pays a high percentage of commission to its members and partners, unlike other companies.


With pure romance, be rest assured that you will be duly paid for every effort you put into the company. Apart from being paid on time, you will also have a large commission from product sales and networking.


  • Flexible Schedule

This is another thing that would interest you if you are looking for the benefits of pure romance. No one likes to have a schedule where they have to go to work and do a host of other things from 9 to 5 every day.

Pure romance offers you an exit from your tight work schedule. With pure romance, you will be able to have a very flexible schedule. You do not have to work every day. You decide your schedule and you choose to work at your convenience. Great, right?


  • Fun

This is another thing you will definitely like with pure romance. Imagine making money and having fun while at it, this is what pure romance offers. It is one of the numerous benefits you stand to enjoy with pure romance.

You will get to enjoy an unlimited amount of fun at their parties. This is because you will meet a lot of like-minded people like you, have a beautiful experience and do a host of other things. Pure romance offers you all the fun you need while giving you an avenue to make money.


  • Women Empowerment

One thing we all agreed on is the fact that women need to be empowered as much as possible. Pure romance offers that chance to all women who register with them. Pure romance serves as a form and avenue for women to get empowered.


There are a lot of women empowerment training and seminars that take place at different places and gatherings they hold. They also give women the chance to make money for themselves by selling pure romance products. 


  • High Rewards with No Boss

Another thing you will enjoy with pure romance. If there is one feeling most people don’t like, it is having a boss that orders you around. With pure romance, you do not get to worry about things like that. You will get to be your boss.


Apart from having no boss, you will also get to enjoy high rewards from the efforts you put into the company. For each effort you put in selling their products, you get rewarded highly and timely. 


Is Pure Romance a Pyramid Scheme?


This is one question a lot of people tend to ask when they hear about the name pure romance and how they operate. It’s pretty okay if you have such questions on your mind. I mean, with the pay, benefits, and rewards, I would have such a question on my mind as this thing sounds too good to be true.

Well, you should know that pure romance isn’t a pyramid scheme. Although the pay is high and the mode of operation sounds too good to be true, you should know that this company isn’t a pyramid scheme. It is a company that has been in existence for over 5 years and will continue to be in existence.


If you are wondering if it is safe to do business or be partners with them, well, I would tell you yes. You can do business with them as you do not have to worry if they are a fraud. As long as you put effort on your part to network and sell their products, you will get more than 10x the amount of money you keep into their company.


How Much Can You Make with Pure Romance?


This is one thing that will excite you. One thing we all know is the fact that there is a lot of money in the multilevel marketing business. Asides from that, there is even a greater amount of money in the sex toy industry as it is an industry that is ever-growing.

There is a lot of money you can get to make with pure romance, it all depends on the amount of effort you are ready to put in. if you are ready to put in some effort and climb the various levels of multi-marketing business, you can be well on your way to making over 30,000 dollars annually from pure romance. This company is a big company where you can make a large amount of money for yourself.



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Pure romance is one company that offers a lot of advantages and opportunities for you to develop yourself. There offer high-paying commissions, networking, and a lot of things. You do not have to worry about this company and its mode of operations being a pyramid scheme because they aren’t.

You can simply read through this article and you will get all the information you need about pure romance if it is a pyramid scheme,  what you stand to benefit by working with them, and a lot more.