How To Make Money Off Your Life Story?

There are many absurd ways to raise money on the internet. Unfortunately, most of them are hyped-up frauds where the only benefit you will likely receive is a sore back from spending hours sitting and working for nothing.

However, there is one way to make legitimate money and even have fun doing it; selling your life story.


While it may not work for everyone, it’s quite possible to use a difficult and unusual life experience to make some well-deserved cash.

This article will teach you ways to make money off your life story.


How To Make Money Off Your Life Story


Everyone loves a good story, especially when the story takes them to a realm unimaginable. A lot of people will pay good money just to hear someone’s life story and experiences.

Here are possible ways to make money off your life story….


Write a book


Regardless of your level of fame or prior writing skill, writing a book can be an excellent method to turn your life story and experiences into a means of money generation.


You can write about anything, from relationships to parenting to international travel. You can tell stories that you’ve been telling your family and friends for a long time. Alternately, you may create a thorough instruction manual for a particular skill in which you excel.

A single book—or a whole series of books—can become a lucrative endeavour. If you’re writing a memoir, begin by listing every experience you’ve had.


Since it is your life story, writing an autobiography can be time-consuming. Do not rush. Be patient; it may take months or years for publishers to review your work. 

Small advances, as little as a few thousand dollars, are sometimes offered by publishers. However, most publishers ask authors to pay a royalty fee (usually 15%) every time a book is sold. 


You can also choose the option of publishing the memoirs yourself on online platforms like amazon and the rest. These platforms do not take time in publishing your work.

Writing a book can be a terrific way to capitalize on your life experience, whether you choose the conventional route of publishing through a book publisher or the online platforms that enable you to publish your work yourself.


Start a Youtube Channel


Starting a YouTube channel is another choice that is frequently disregarded while looking for ways to profit from your life story. Most people use YouTube to share their life stories and earn money through the YouTube partner program.

Once you get the right set-up and you start growing your youtube channel, within a year you should start making revenue from your life story.


Start a Podcast 


Sharing your knowledge with others through podcasting is a fun and engaging way to do so. And there is no expense to you, unlike when you write a book or participate in a live TV event. By launching a podcast, you can begin to monetize your life story.


Here are steps you need to take when setting a podcast for your life story

  • Create a podcast:  You can record your show using one of the many free podcasting applications available.
  • Find an audience: Like blogging, podcasting is about sharing what you know and what has happened to you, so you’ll need to find an audience.
  • Promote your podcast: Share links to your new podcast via email and social media.
  • Ask for feedback: As you listen to your podcast, take into account the comments you receive and potential changes.
  • Offer paid services: By selling paid services or goods, you can turn your podcast into a source of income.
  • Sell your podcast: Once you have a large audience or followership, you can sell to companies like SoundCloud or Libsyn


Start a Blog


You can share your experiences, knowledge, and enthusiasm with the world through a blog. Platforms like Blogger or WordPress let you set up and manage a blog for free. You might, however, make a career from your blog if you want to advance it.


Some bloggers make six figures annually and hundreds of dollars per month. Your first step should be to determine what your blog might be able to make you, whether your objective is to generate an income from it or to amass a particular quantity of money.

A blog is a terrific way to turn your life story into a source of recurring revenue. You can convert your time and expertise into continuing passive income with a little hard work and marketing know-how. You can use that passive income to leverage a lifetime of income.


Here’s what you need to know about starting a blog to make money off your life story:

  • Figure out what to write about: You most likely have a life experience that influences who you are if you want to profit from your life story, you must carefully consider it and have a fascinating method of telling the tale. You must also present it such that others can benefit from it. You don’t need to be a professional on the subject. Your understanding of expert opinion is important, but your experience is really what matters here.
  • Start creating content: Your writing should be instructive and enlightening. Write on subjects that you can use to assist others. If you’re an electrician, for instance, write about electrical safety. Write an article about workout advice if you are a physical therapist.
  • Market your blog: Getting the word out about who you are and what you write about is necessary if you want your blog to be successful. You should first set up accounts on social media. A Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest account, for instance, ought to be included in your blog. Making a blog design should come next.  A designer can be hired to produce a unique, lovely design, or you can utilize a free internet tool like Blogspot or WordPress. Work on the content itself should then begin. Your blog should ideally be updated once every week, at the very least.
  • Promote your blog: Once your blog is operational, you should start marketing it. You can advertise your blog via email marketing. Sending emails to subscribers who want more frequent communication from you on a weekly or monthly basis is simple with email marketing solutions like MailChimp.




Take some time to study a variety of magazines to determine which one would be ideal for your real-life story because different publications have different types of readers.

Keep an eye out for the advertisements because the things they highlight might give you a decent sense of the target market. You may get a sense of the target market from this. 

Magazines with a teenage readership may find stories about bullying, family problems, and friendship conflicts appealing. Keep in mind that to sell stories to this audience, you must be of similar age or not much older.

Other magazines also focus on women’s hygiene and weight loss programs.




Your life story may be more suited for a newspaper feature article if it touches on current events and has broad appeal, an unsuccessful procedure, for example, or how you had to sell the family home to pay off debts.

Consider the types of real-life stories you’ve read in the press, and take a close look at several publications to determine which ones are most likely to be interested in a story similar to yours.


Press Agency


You might also think about having a press agency market your true story on your behalf. Even though they take a cut of your price, they frequently have the best connections, so you can finish up with more money thanks to their assistance.

Using an agent or public relations firm can be worthwhile if you anticipate that your story will be highly sought-after. These agents are skilled in inciting a bidding battle to sell it for the highest price. 

Additionally, they can aid you in organizing any legal contracts. They might even be able to assist you in landing paid work on TV chat shows and documentaries.



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Even if you’ve lived or had a terrible life, you can still share that story with other people and make money off of it. Whatever the situation, your particular mix of facts could make for a best-seller—or, at the very least, a blog post that goes viral.


Following the list highlighted by this article, you should be able to make money by selling your life story.