Is Social Rebel App Legit [Complete Review]

Social Rebel is one the online platform that claims to reward you by carrying out a few tasks, once you can complete these tasks you will be given some amount of money.

This is just a statement, but is there any realism in such a statement? That is, giving you the proposed money, probably after completing a task.

Therefore, in this article, I will be making a thorough review on Social Rebel, whether it is legit and worth spending time on, or not.


My View


Based on the metrics I have engaged in personally reviewing Social Rebel, and probably, Checking out on other review platforms such as Trustpilot, Reddit, and the likes, I have concluded that the website is a scam, and not real.

Therefore, to save your time and the stress of having to browse through the website, you shouldn’t bother yourself having to even visit the website at first, since it is a total scam and not legit.


Is Social Rebel App Legit?


Alright, I will start by answering the big question here, whether Social Rebel App is legit or not. From my reviews and studies about Social Rebel, I can simply deduce that it is a total scam.

Now, here are the variables that I measured, in determining how legit Social Rebel is.


  • Traces of Suspicious in Payment Proof

Most of these sites having similar features, kind of, display several past payments proof as a means to convince new users that their operations are legit, while this is a good metric for determining how Legit a GPT platform is, one may need to know that, this is a different case at on Social Rebel. 


Here, comes the flag identified, most of the payment screenshots posted, have a date older than the date of establishment.

You tend to see payments done on a specific year, older than the date of establishment, this is awkward.

Why will a payment transaction year be older, probably, to deceive users to their website?


  • Date Of Establishment Is Incorrect

The older the date of the establishment, the more trusting and convincing a platform is. From the Whois record, the year of establishment of the Social Rebel App happens to be 2021, but on the website it is stated that the year of establishment is 2018, expressing some level of false statement.


  • Absence of a Social Media Platform

The number of active users claimed by the Social Rebel App is about 550k, if truly this assertion is true, then, they should have a social media handle where its users can have access to their SM page.

But the reverse is the case, At Social Media platforms, they neither have a Twitter handle nor Facebook handle or whatever, making it a flag to be a scam.


  • Similar Web Contents

This is also another flag I noticed while reviewing Social Rebel, but something I noticed, most of the content found on the website, seems to be similar to other websites I have reviewed in the past.

Some of the factors measured that have flagged the site to be a scam are: 


Contents like:

Offering 50% percent bonus,

#1 influencer earning network.


  • Absence of threshold for cash out

One of the flags showing that Social Rebel is a scam is based on the absence of a cash-out threshold. The platform doesn’t have a minimum amount to reach before cashing out, and therefore, is considered a scam.

Social Rebel has no traces of it being legit, some of the proposed owners of this earning platform are nowhere known in the world, A quick Google search won’t display any results related to these people.


Does SocialRebel Pay?


Social Rebel does claim to pay users based on the amount of money earned while carrying out several tasks, but this is not all, do Social Rebel truly pay?

Based on the factors and study I have engaged in, it truly shows that social Rebel does not make payment.

Also, reviews from popular websites such as Reddit, and Trustpilot, express that Social Rebel does not pay its users.


How Earning is Done on Social Rebel?


How Social Rebel claims users can make money is based on carrying out several activities, such as, answering survey questions, referring people, installing apps, and perhaps, posting on Social Media.

Through this process you can make some earnings as claimed by Social Rebel, But, while the website activities seem to be a scam, therefore, you definitely won’t want to engage yourself on the website, probably, because it could be a waste of time.



Other alternatives to Social Rebel


Since Social Rebel happens not to be a legit platform, there are also some other platforms available that can be considered by you as an alternative to social Rebel.

Examples of these platforms are:


Similar to Social Rebel, TimeBuck is a legit platform that allows its users to earn money, by engaging in several tasks. At TimeBuck, you can earn up to 10 dollars, by simply carrying out simple tasks.


Survey time specializes in providing you with survey questions to answer, once you can complete a survey successfully, you will be rewarded with some amount of money.



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It is a Great move to always make confirmation about certain sites that claim to reward you by carrying out several activities.

Social Rebel happens to be one of these sites, but does Social Rebel truly reward you for the activities carried out on the website.?


Unfortunately, this article reveals how fake the Social Rebel website is, and also how it’s a waste of time to engage.